- The Eastern Plains Women's Resource Center located in Byers CO offers crisis pregnancy options and free ultrasound referrals, educational classes, healing and wholeness classes, support groups, outside agency referrals, and direct assistance with material goods when available. You can find them by clicking the green EPWRC link in this paragraph and by visiting their page on Facebook.
- The Military Families Ministry focuses on its mission of supporting service members and their families through the establishment of ministry groups at local churches. Military families across our nation that don't live close to a military installation have little-to-no support. Service members deploy to war zones and their families are left at home to deal with the uncertainties that come with deployments. This ministry attempts to administer the grace of God to military families and their loved ones serving overseas.
- Open Door Ministries exists to provide practical help and hope to people in urban Denver who are homeless or low income. Their primary objective is to move people toward self-sufficiency by helping change the circumstances and life patterns that have held them captive to poverty and addictions. They focus on tangible needs like food, shelter, access to education and employment training, as well as intangible needs such as friendship, hope, and Christian spiritual guidance. Once a month, MVF heads to downtown Denver to provide a meal for the attendees of Open Door Fellowship Church. Learn how to get involved at ODM by clicking the green Open Door Ministries link or signing up to serve with MVF.
- Love in Action International is a non-profit ministry focusing on the development of orphanages (Andrea's Homes of Hope and Joy) in Latin America. These homes minister to the orphaned, abandoned, and extremely poor children of Latin America. MVF has taken many trips to the orphanage in Guayaramerin, Bolivia and assisted in the building and preparation of additional houses, as well as purchasing the land for a new Dairy and working on the barn for the animals. The dairy will be an excellent source of income for the orphanage and local residents. Find out how to sponsor a child or join us on a trip to Bolivia by clicking the green Love In Action link.
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